Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I am a little behind finding out about this news, so many of you may already know, but roller derby is being considered for the 2020 Olympics!  For more information click here.

What are your thoughts on this? 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Roller girls, we all know who your true love is.  Skate your hearts out!

And speaking of true love, congratulations to Cyanide Kisses & Dave, #2 & Pete and Butterscotch Cripple & Jesse on their recent engagements!

Monday, February 13, 2012

25 Random Facts

It's time for our fans to start to get to know our new roller girls.  No better way to do that then by reading 25 random facts about them.  So today (on her birthday) I am happy to introduce one of our newest league members.  Read on as this enthusiastic native New Yorker takes you through her life starting with the early years.  Then get ready to see her on the track this season with determination and maybe some apple sauce on the side.  Ladies and Gentlemen, I give to you Spork Chop!!

1.  I totally rocked Barbie roller skates when I was 6. 

2.  When I was a little kid, I wanted to be a fashion designer. While I didn't fulfill that career aspiration, I do own a sewing machine and hope to someday (soon) sew myself a pair of awesome derby booty shorts.

3.  My second passion after roller derby is horseback riding. I was a competitive show jumper for over 15 years, taught riding lessons, and even owned a horse named Go-Go.

4.  I am a total New Yorker at heart - born in NYC, grew up on LI, went to college in the Hudson Valley, and now have come full-circle, living back in NYC.

5.  I'm a huge NY Jets & Yankees fan

6.  I've always loved performing - acting, singing, dancing, you name it. In high school, I was in numerous theater productions and sang in an all-girls barbershop a cappella group.

7.  I really enjoy crafting and am obsessed with ETSY.

8.  I broke my jaw getting my wisdom teeth out and was on a liquid diet for 6 weeks.

9.  I majored in Political Science and minored in economics in college.

10.  After college, I chopped off all my hair and donated it to charity.

11.  In my professional life, I work at an advertising agency. It's like Mad Men, but without all the smoking and drinking and gender inequalities.

12.  Speaking of Mad Men, I was once in a bar with a number of the show's cast members... including Jon Hamm! I would say it was my best celebrity sighting. That, or the time I was in a yoga class with an Olsen twin (not sure which one).

13.  I played several years of co-ed softball with my company team. I even went to the Advertising Softball World Championship!

14.  I'm a compulsive list-maker and carry a Moleskin notebook with me wherever I go.

15.  I don't care what people think - I love bad reality television, my Ugg boots, and Facebook.

16.  My friends call me the "cruise director" because I'm always the one coordinating and organizing our plans together.

17.  While I enjoy getting dressed-up, if it was socially acceptable, I would probably wear pajamas all the time.

18.  I hate tuna fish

19.  I love photobooths

20.  Last year I went to Disney World - and it was just as awesome as when I went as a child (plus, now there is also the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!)

21.  Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. Past costumes have included a Girl Scout, Barbie, a Unicorn, and Justin Bieber.

22.  I drive an hour, each-way, to and from derby practice. The drive (and the LIE traffic) would be unbearable if it wasn't for the carload of derby girls that carpool with me and keep me company!

23.  My favorite part of roller derby is hitting people!

24.  I think the most difficult part of the fresh blood process wass choosing just the right derby name.

25.  Sporks are the greatest utensils in the world!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Keep A Breast

Breast Cancer has unfortunately touched one too many people and The Roller Rebels are so happy to do their part by contributing to The Keep A Breast Foundation.  This coming Saturday, February 4th, The Roller Rebels along with Long Ireland Brewery will be hosting a Keep A Breast Fundraiser.  No cover charge and $1 of each growler sold goes towards the foundation.  In addition, you will be able to check out the breast casts that some of your favorite roller girls made.  The casts will be auctioned off at our February 11th bout.  So come and take a look and pick out your favorite!