Thursday, October 29, 2009

Purring Like a Cat

Hello to my loyal readers, new followers and perhaps first time readers.

If you weren't able to make it to our championship bout this past Saturday, I would like to let you all know that The Rolling Thundercats were victorious against The Wicked Wheelers. BUT, it was CLOSE!! It was one of those great bouts where the teams are pretty much only a few points apart for the entire two periods, until one team, at the very last minute ends up taking the lead. The girls all played with so much passion and enthusiasm. The Wheelers had so many different strategies lined up under their, ahem, wheels, and they carried out each and every one of them with such commitment and perfection. The Thundercats showed off various skills including some whips that played an intricate part in allowing their jammers to gain position in front of the packs.

I had the pleasure of co-announcing the bout with Jake and it was so much fun and interesting to actually watch the bout and talk about what was happening play by play. There were times I'll admit, that I had trouble holding back my screams or commands. I wanted to help some players out and let them know where the jammer was or tell them that they should speed up or slow down, but alas, the position of the announcer does not allow for that sort of banter. Nevertheless, it was exciting for me.

We had an amazing turnout with more than 700 fans filling our stands and seats track side. Our merchandise sold like never before and we had the pleasure of welcoming Veterans of War (more on that soon) into our arena. All in all, a great time.

Congratulations to the undefeated Rolling Thundercats!!

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