Friday, July 16, 2010

Showing Improvement

After not skating or going to practice for quite a while, I finally made a return this week. When I first got on the track, I was fine. It felt like I had never left, but once we started working on our skills, I realized that I was a bit rusty. The next night, I coached and actually had a little trouble wrapping my head around certain drills. It's like my derby brain had fallen out. This all made me a little bit frustrated. I know that everything will come back to me very quickly, I've just been out of touch.

There were however a few things that left me feeling great! Being back, I got to see how much so many of the newer girls have improved. Be it speed, form, aggressiveness, whatever! They were moving, sprinting, blocking in ways I had not seen before and as a coach that's exactly the kind of thing what you want to see.

Great job girls. Keep working hard and stay focused because it certainly shows.


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