Skills and Skates
Last night Captain Morgan and Roxie Heartless along with help from Psychobilly, ran a skills and skates class. The class was mainly set up to prepare our fresh bloods for their written skills test and to also help them learn more about skates; The various parts, how to clean and maintain them, which skates might be better for various foot problems, etc. The class went well and I think that the fresh bloods learned a lot from it. It was super informative for veterans as well. I definitely learned new things and got the questions I had about wheels and rules answered. No matter how much you think you know, it always seems you can learn something new, especially with the WFTDA rules changing so frequently. Which brings me to my next topic.A few weeks ago, I came across a website/blog I'd like to share with you. It's run by Rei Zerburnn of the Lilac City Roller Girls (whose logo is adorable).
When her search for derby information on the web only returned results for places to buy gear or look up bout stats, Rei decided that it was time to change that. So in an effort to help herself and other derby girls Fishnet Burnns was born. It's a great place to look up derby topics, find new drills and she even has her own shop set up. Since we have our skills test coming up, I thought that some of you might find this article helpful. Check it out and let me know what you all think.xoEtta
Hey Etta, what kind of run through did you guys have with the skate parts? We're looking at having a 'gear session' run by our resident gear nut, and I know she wants to show people how to clean bearings etc (cause some of our girls just.don't).
We just did an intensive jam workshop, it was so, so good!
wow, i wish i had joined up just two weeks earlier! i'm sure that was pretty excellent... oh well, see you tomorrow!
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